TsAGI, WCRC ‘Supersonic’ at 11th Space Flight Safety International Symposium
26 June 2024
Creating high-speed aircraft is an advanced research and engineering area that requires synthesizing new ideas and technologies. The research area is a priority of TsAGI (a part of NRC “Zhukovsky Institute”) which coordinates the World-Class Research Center (WCRC) ‘Supersonic’*. The 11th Space Flight Safety International Symposium was the platform to discuss relevant challenges and solutions in the development of new-generation aircraft. It was held in St. Petersburg from June 12 to 15.
The Symposium aimed to unite space flight safety activities based on state‑of‑the‑art achievements in science and capacities of new technologies. Its Scientific Organizing Committee was cochaired by Kirill Sypalo (Director General, TsAGI; Corresponding Member of the RAS) and Sergey Chernyshev (Chief Scientific Officer, TsAGI; Vice‑President and Academician of the RAS). The Symposium highlighted the challenges and solutions of creating new-generation high-speed aerospace transport, propulsion systems, supercomputer predictive modeling for space program safety, etc.
The Symposium opened with a plenary session where Kirill Sypalo, Head of WCRC ‘Supersonic’, presented his report, Smart control algorithms for aerospace safety, coauthored by S. Chernyshev and S. Bazhenov. He spoke on TsAGI’s core areas of research into control systems and flight safety, including the research done under the WCRC ‘Supersonic’, which aims to provide new-generation supersonic transport technologies. Kirill Sypalo highlighted the implementation of smart systems, such as integrated cutting‑edge aircraft control systems or avionic systems, that have multiple functions and use many different information sources.
‘Smart approaches enable multiple functions of controlling, alerting, parametric constraint, pilot relief, aircraft system monitoring and flight data analysis. AI tools can be useful here, for instance, fuzzy logic, finite-state machines, neural networks, etc. In the end, cutting-edge technologies increase flight safety and aircraft fail-safety,’ he said.
The Symposium had Session on challenges and solutions of creating new-generation high-speed aerospace transport, organized under WCRC ‘Supersonic’ Establishment and Development Program**. The Session focused on concept design, usage of advanced smart materials and structures and AI for supersonic transport development. Sergey Chernyshev, Head of WCRC Laboratory, presented his report, coauthored by K. Sypalo, I. Bashkirov and A. Ionov, which considered a concept of new-generation supersonic transport meeting the standards on sonic boom and ecology.
‘Such aircraft would enable both Russia’s territorial coherence and more comfortable international flights. Simultaneously, supersonic transport activities stimulate development of key aerospace technologies. I mean achieving high aerodynamic performance with reduced sonic boom and environmental noise, implementing composite isogrid airframe structures, onboard AI, synthetic vision system, and so on,’ he said. The WCRC ‘Supersonic’ studies the technologies enabling high fuel efficiency with new propulsion, the issues of thermal balance and onboard comfort. Another challenge is the air traffic management within the entire air transport system including supersonic transport.
The Session also presented research results by TsAGI and other WCRC ‘Supersonic’ Consortium Members—CIAM, MSU Institute of Mechanics, PFRC UB RAS, and MAI. The research dealt with creation of single cockpit instrumentation of new-generation high-speed aerospace shuttles, machine‑learning‑based synthesis of electromechanical system diagnostic algorithms for better aerospace safety (joint research with the ICS RAS), analysis of structural strength positive synergy by main airframe units of advanced supersonic transport, etc.
*The WCRC ‘Supersonic’ aims to achieve revolutionary flight performance, environmental performance and acoustic performance for new-generation supersonic transport by solving fundamental R&T tasks related to supersonic flight, and to provide Russia’s international competitiveness in supersonic flight studies. The WCRC includes TsAGI, CIAM, MSU, GosNIIAS, PFRC UB RAS, KIAM, and MAI.
**The Session was organized under the WCRC ‘Supersonic’ Establishment and Development Program for