TsAGI Holds Press Day
28 April 2023
What is TsAGI’s current work in the context of technological sovereignty? What progress has been achieved in the studies of top Russian aircraft, SSJ-NEW and MC-21? When will lifecycle tests of the new wide-fuselage aircraft start? How is international cooperation developing in the current situation?
On April 26, TsAGI (a part of NRC “Zhukovsky Institute”) held Press Day, which included a visit to the test facilities and a press-conference with TsAGI’s administration.
Reporters visited the test facilities and benches showing key areas of TsAGI’s work, such as aerodynamics, flight dynamics and strength of aircraft. Real wind tunnel tests were shown to them in the T-105 and the T-101. Piloting modes of long-haul and maneuverable aircraft were demonstrated with flight simulators. Lifecycle tests of new domestic civil aircraft, SSJ-NEW and MC-21, were shown at the Lifecycle Test Laboratory.
The visit was followed by a press conference where Kirill Sypalo, Director General at TsAGI and Corresponding Member of the RAS, and Sergey Chernyshev, Chief Scientific Officer at TsAGI and Vice President of the RAS, spoke on current development trends in the industry, and on introduction of new advanced technologies, such as composites, alternative fuels, non-standard aircraft design, etc.
About 60 reporters from 25 mass media visited TsAGI in total at the Press Day, including TV companies (Channel One, VGTRK, NTV, Zvezda, Russia Today), news agencies (Interfax, RIA Novosti, TASS), and media holdings (Kommersant, Izvestia, Moskovskij Komsomolets), etc.
The Press Day was held within 105th Anniversary of TsAGI, which it is celebrating this December.
For more details, see https://t.me/pro_avianauku